Nephele Streaming: Stream Processing Under QoS Constraints at Scale
Björn Lohrmann, Daniel Warneke, Odej Kao
Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer US, 2013
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Adaptive Online Compression in Clouds—Making Informed Decisions in Virtual Machine Environments
Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Andreas Kliem, Daniel Warneke
Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, 2013

Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere
Christoph Boden, Marcel Karnstedt, Miriam Fernandez, Volker Markl
WWW, 2013 (demo, to appear)

Iterative Parallel Data Processing with Stratosphere: An Inside Look
Stephan Ewen, Sebastian Schelter, Kostas Tzoumas, Daniel Warneke, Volker Markl
SIGMOD, 2013 (demo, to appear)

Peeking into the Optimization of Data Flow Programs with MapReduce-style UDFs
Fabian Hueske, Mathias Peters, Aljoscha Krettek, Matthias Ringwald, Kostas Tzoumas, Volker Markl, Johann-Christoph Freytag
ICDE, 2013
[PDF] [Poster PDF] [Video]

Applying Stratosphere for Big Data Analytics
Marcus Leich, Jochen Adamek, Moritz Schubotz, Arvid Heise, Astrid Rheinländer, Volker Markl
BTW, 2013 (Demo)


Meteor/Sopremo: An Extensible Query Language and Operator Model
Arvid Heise, Astrid Rheinländer, Marcus Leich, Ulf Leser, and Felix Naumann
BigData Workshop (2012), affiliated with VLDB

Spinning Fast Iterative Data Flows
Stephan Ewen, Moritz Kaufmann, Kostas Tzoumas, Volker Markl
PVLDB 5(11), 2012, pp. 1268-1279

Opening the Black Boxes in Data Flow Optimization
Fabian Hueske, Mathias Peters, Matthias J. Sax, Astrid Rheinländer, Rico Bergmann, Aljoscha Krettek, Kostas Tzoumas
PVLDB 5(11), 2012: pp. 1256-1267

Myriad: Scalable and Expressive Data Generation
Alexander Alexandrov, Kostas Tzoumas, Volker Markl
PVLDB, 5(12), 2012: pp. 1890-1893

Massively-Parallel Stream Processing under QoS Constraints with Nephele
Björn Lohrmann, Daniel Warneke, Odej Kao
Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2012 ACM, pp. 271-282
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Enabling Operator Reordering in Data Flow Programs Through Static Code Analysis
Fabian Hueske, Aljoscha Krettek, Kostas Tzoumas
XLDI Workshop (2012), affiliated with ICFP


MapReduce and PACT - Comparing Data Parallel Programming Models
Alexander Alexandrov, Stephan Ewen, Max Heimel, Fabian Hueske, Odej Kao, Volker Markl, Erik Nijkamp, Daniel Warneke
In Proceedings of Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) 2011, pp. 25-44
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Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud
Daniel Warneke, Odej Kao
In Journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Special Issue on Many-Task Computing, 2011, pp. 985-997
[PDF]   [BibTex]   [DOI]

Evaluating Adaptive Compression to Mitigate the Effects of Shared I/O in Clouds
Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Andreas Kliem, Daniel Warneke
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Intensive Computing in the Clouds (DataCloud), 2011
[PDF] [BibTex]   [DOI]

Evaluation of Network Topology Inference in Opaque Compute Clouds Through End-to-End Measurements
Dominic Battré, Natalia Frejnik, Siddhant Goel, Odej Kao, Daniel Warneke
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD), 2011
[PDF] [BibTex]   [DOI]

Inferring Network Topologies in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds
Dominic Battré, Natalia Frejnik, Siddhant Goel, Odej Kao, Daniel Warneke
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid computing (CCGrid), 2011, pp. 604-605
[PDF] [BibTex] [DOI]

Myriad - Parallel Data Generation on Shared-Nothing Architectures
Alexander S. Alexandrov, Berni Schiefer, John Poelman, Stephan Ewen, Thomas Bodner, Volker Markl
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data (ASBD), 2011


Nephele/PACTs: A Programming Model and Execution Framework for Web-Scale Analytical Processing
Dominic Battré, Stephan Ewen, Fabian Hueske, Odej Kao, Volker Markl, and Daniel Warneke
In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC) 2010 ACM, pp. 119–130
[PDF] [BibTex] [DOI]

Massively Parallel Data Analysis with PACTs on Nephele
Alexander Alexandrov, Dominic Battré, Stephan Ewen, Max Heimel, Fabian Hueske, Odej Kao, Volker Markl, Erik Nijkamp, Daniel Warneke
PVLDB Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010, pp. 1625–1628
[PDF] [Poster PDF] [BibTex]

Detecting Bottlenecks in Parallel DAG-based Data Flow Programs
Dominic Battré, Matthias Hovestadt, Björn Lohrmann, Alexander Stanik, Daniel Warneke
In Proceedings of Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS) 2010, pp. 1–10
[PDF] [BibTex] [DOI]


Nephele: Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud
Daniel Warneke and Odej Kao
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers, MTAGS 2009
[PDF] [BibTex] [DOI]